Inheritable Default Configuration

The management of default configuration in Edustudio is implemented by class variable, i.e. a dictionary object called default_config.

Templates usually introduce new features through inheritance, and these new features may require corresponding configurations, so the default configuration we provide is inheritable.


The inheritance example of data template is illustrated as follows. We present an example in the data preparation procedure. There are three data template classes (DataTPLs) that inherit from each other: BaseDataTPL, GeneralDataTPL, and EduDataTPL. If users specify current DataTPL is EduDataTPL, the eventual default_config of data preparation procedure is a merger of default_cfg of three templates. When a configuration conflict is encountered, the default_config of subclass template takes precedence over that of parent class templates. As a result, other configuration portals (i.e, configuration file, parameter dictionary, and command line) can only specify parameters that are confined within the default configuration. The advantage of the inheritable design is that it facilitates the reader to locate the numerous hyperparameters.

class BaseDataTPL(Dataset):
    default_cfg = {'seed': 2023}

class GeneralDataTPL(BaseDataTPL):
    default_cfg = {
        'seperator': ',',
        'n_folds': 1,
        'is_dataset_divided': False,
        'is_save_cache': False,
        'cache_id': 'cache_default',
        'load_data_from': 'middata', # ['rawdata', 'middata', 'cachedata']
        'inter_exclude_feat_names': (),
        'raw2mid_op': None, 
        'mid2cache_op_seq': []

class EduDataTPL(GeneralDataTPL):
    default_cfg = {
        'exer_exclude_feat_names': (),
        'stu_exclude_feat_names': (),

If the currently specified data template is EduDataTPL, then the framework will get the final default_cfg through API get_default_cfg, which would be:

default_cfg = {
    'exer_exclude_feat_names': (),
    'stu_exclude_feat_names': (),
    'seperator': ',',
    'n_folds': 1,
    'is_dataset_divided': False,
    'is_save_cache': False,
    'cache_id': 'cache_default',
    'load_data_from': 'middata', # ['rawdata', 'middata', 'cachedata']
    'inter_exclude_feat_names': (),
    'raw2mid_op': None, 
    'mid2cache_op_seq': [],
    'seed': 2023

The final default_cfg follows two rules:

  • The subclass would incorporate the default_cfg of all parent classes.

  • When a conflict happened for the same key, the subclass would dominate the priority.