Customize Train Template

Here, we present how to develop a new Train Template, and apply it into EduStudio. EduStudio provides the TrainTPL Protocol in EduStudio.edustudio.traintpl.basetraintpl.BaseTrainTPL (BaseTrainTPL).

TrainTPL Protocol

The TrainTPL Protocol is detailed in BaseTrainTPL. The function to start the training process is BaseTrainTPL.start().


By inherenting the TrainTPL Protocol, EduStudio provides the class EduStudio.edustudio.traintpl.traintpl.gd_traintpl.GDTrainTPL(GDTrainTPL) and EduStudio.edustudio.traintpl.edu_traintpl.GeneralTrainTPL(GeneralTrainTPL), which are suitable for most gradient descent optimization-based models and most student evaluation models. GDTrainTPL inherits BaseTrainTPL and rewrites start(). The function to get optimizer according to the parameter default_cfg.optim is GDTrainTPL._get_optim(). The function to obtain loaders of train, val, and test dataset is GDTrainTPL.build_loaders(). GeneralTrainTPL inherits GDTrainTPL and rewrites start(). In the GeneralTrainTPL.start(), the functions for each dataloader is .

Develop a New TrainTPL in EduStudio

If the developed model needs more complex training method, then one can inherent BaseTrainTPL and revise the function start(). One can also define the configuration of the new training template in the dictionary default_cfg. Similarly, one can inherent GDTrainTPL and GeneralTrainTPL and revise the start function and default_cfg dictionary.


If you need to modify TrainTPl in the student assessment model so that only main_loss is used after a certain epoch, then you just need to inherit GeneralTrainTPL, set the epoch_to_change parameter in default_cfg.

from .edu_traintpl import GeneralTrainTPL
class NewTrainTPL(GeneralTrainTPL):
    default_cfg = {
        'epoch_to_change': 10,

def __init__(self, cfg: UnifyConfig):

Then, one can rewrite the fit function.

def fit(self, train_loader, val_loader):
    for epoch in range(self.trainfmt_cfg['epoch_num']):
        for batch_id, batch_dict in enumerate(
                tqdm(train_loader, ncols=self.frame_cfg['TQDM_NCOLS'], desc="[EPOCH={:03d}]".format(epoch + 1))
            batch_dict = self.batch_dict2device(batch_dict)
            loss_dict = self.model.get_loss_dict(**batch_dict)

            ############ This part is revised ############

            if epoch < self.traintpl_cfg['epoch_to_change']:
                loss = torch.hstack([i for i in loss_dict.values() if i is not None]).sum()
                loss = loss_dict['main_loss']

            ############ This part is revised ############

The complete code of example is detailed as follows.

from .edu_traintpl import GeneralTrainTPL
class NewTrainTPL(GeneralTrainTPL):
    default_cfg = {
        'epoch_to_change': 10,

def __init__(self, cfg: UnifyConfig):
def fit(self, train_loader, val_loader):
    self.optimizer = self._get_optim()
    for epoch in range(self.trainfmt_cfg['epoch_num']):
        self.callback_list.on_epoch_begin(epoch + 1)
        logs = defaultdict(lambda: np.full((len(train_loader),), np.nan, dtype=np.float32))
        for batch_id, batch_dict in enumerate(
                tqdm(train_loader, ncols=self.frame_cfg['TQDM_NCOLS'], desc="[EPOCH={:03d}]".format(epoch + 1))
            batch_dict = self.batch_dict2device(batch_dict)
            loss_dict = self.model.get_loss_dict(**batch_dict)

            ############ This part is revised ############

            if epoch < self.traintpl_cfg['epoch_to_change']:
                loss = torch.hstack([i for i in loss_dict.values() if i is not None]).sum()
                loss = loss_dict['main_loss']

            ############ This part is revised ############

            for k in loss_dict: logs[k][batch_id] = loss_dict[k].item() if loss_dict[k] is not None else np.nan

        for name in logs: logs[name] = float(np.nanmean(logs[name]))

        if val_loader is not None:
            val_metrics = self.evaluate(val_loader)
            logs.update({f"{metric}": val_metrics[metric] for metric in val_metrics})

        self.callback_list.on_epoch_end(epoch + 1, logs=logs)
        if self.model.share_callback_dict.get('stop_training', False):
